ControlPlacement is an option for Manipulate, TabView, and other control objects that specifies where controls should be placed.
ControlsRendering is a Style option that specifies how controls should be rendered.
ControlType is an option for Manipulate and related functions that specifies what type of controls should be displayed.
Convergents[list] gives a list of the convergents corresponding to the continued fraction terms list.Convergents[x, n] gives the first n convergents for a number ...
ConversionRules is an option for Cell that can be set to a list of rules specifying how the contents of the cell are to be converted to external formats.
Convolve[f, g, x, y] gives the convolution with respect to x of the expressions f and g.Convolve[f, g, {x_1, x_2, ...}, {y_1, y_2, ...}] gives the multidimensional ...
ConwayGroupCo1[] represents the sporadic simple Conway group Co_1.
ConwayGroupCo2[] represents the sporadic simple Conway group Co_2.
ConwayGroupCo3[] represents the sporadic simple Conway group Co_3.
CoordinatesToolOptions is an option for Graphics that gives values of options associated with the Get Coordinates tool.