ExtendedGCD[n_1, n_2, ...] gives the extended greatest common divisor of the integers n_i.
Extension is an option for various polynomial and algebraic functions that specifies generators for the algebraic number field to be used.
ExtentElementFunction is an option to DiscretePlot and DiscretePlot3D that gives a function to use to generate the primitives for rendering each extent element.
ExtentMarkers is an option to DiscretePlot and DiscretePlot3D that specifies markers to draw at extent boundaries.
ExtentSize is an option to DiscretePlot and DiscretePlot3D that specifies how far to extend out from each plot point.
ExternalDataCharacterEncoding is a global option that specifies the character encoding used in reading and writing plain text data outside of Mathematica.
ExtractArchive[file] expands an archive file, saving its content into the current directory.ExtractArchive[file, dir] saves the content of an archive file into directory ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Extract[expr, list] extracts the part of expr at the position specified by list. Extract[expr, {list_1, list_2, ...}] extracts a list of parts of expr. Extract[expr, list, h] ...
ExtremeValueDistribution[\[Alpha], \[Beta]] represents an extreme value distribution with location parameter \[Alpha] and scale parameter \[Beta].
FaceForm[g] is a graphics directive which specifies that faces of polygons and other filled graphics objects are to be drawn using the graphics directive or list of ...