InverseLaplaceTransform[expr, s, t] gives the inverse Laplace transform of expr. InverseLaplaceTransform[expr, {s_1, s_2, ...}, {t_1, t_2, ...}] gives the multidimensional ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Inverse[m] gives the inverse of a square matrix m.
InversePermutation[perm] returns the inverse of permutation perm.
InverseRadon[image] gives the inverse discrete Radon transform of image.InverseRadon[image, {w, h}] specifies the width w and the height h of the resulting image.
InverseSeries[s] takes the series s, and gives a series for the inverse of the function represented by s. InverseSeries[s, x] uses the variable x in the inverse series.
InverseSurvivalFunction[dist, q] gives the inverse of the survival function for the symbolic distribution dist as a function of the variable q.
InverseWaveletTransform[dwd] gives the inverse wavelet transform of a DiscreteWaveletData object dwd.InverseWaveletTransform[dwd, wave] gives the inverse transform using the ...
InverseWeierstrassP[p, {g_2, g_3}] gives a value of u for which the Weierstrass function \[WeierstrassP] (u; g_2, g_3) is equal to p.
InverseZTransform[expr, z, n] gives the inverse Z transform of expr. InverseZTransform[expr, {z_1, z_2, ...}, {n_1, n_2, ...}] gives the multiple inverse Z transform of expr.
Invisible[expr] displays as space that is the same size as the formatted version of expr.