LUDecomposition[m] generates a representation of the LU decomposition of a square matrix m.
LyapunovSolve[a, c] finds a solution x of the matrix Lyapunov equation a.x + x.a\[ConjugateTranspose] == c.LyapunovSolve[a, b, c] solves a.x + x.b == c.LyapunovSolve[{a, d}, ...
LyonsGroupLy[] represents the sporadic simple Lyons group Ly.
MachineNumberQ[expr] returns True if expr is a machine-precision real or complex number, and returns False otherwise.
MachinePrecision is a symbol used to indicate machine-number precision.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Magenta represents the color magenta in graphics or style specifications.
Magnification is an option for Style and Cell that specifies what magnification to use for display.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Magnify[expr, r] represents an object to be displayed with magnification r. Magnify[expr] displays with expr magnified by a fixed factor.
Majority[e_1, e_2, ...] gives True if the majority of the e_i are True, and False if the majority are False.
MakeBoxes[expr, form] is the low-level function used in Mathematica sessions to convert expressions into boxes. MakeBoxes[expr] is the function to convert expr to ...