Built on powerful and elegant principles, the core Mathematica language has emerged over the past 20 years as perhaps the world's richest and deepest programming language. ...
Building on Mathematica's unified symbolic architecture, Mathematica 7 introduces several major new integrated forms of data manipulation—including large-scale support for ...
Mathematica 6 introduced the revolutionary idea of symbolic dynamic interactivity. Mathematica 7 makes use of this idea throughout the system, and adds a number of additional ...
Mathematica 7 extends its general treatment of lists and matrices by adding a variety of convenient functions, including support for common convolution and structure matrices.
Mathematica 7 represents another major achievement in Mathematica's long history of innovation in mathematics and algorithms. Building on the broad capabilities of ...
Mathematica 7 enhances the Mathematica notebook experience in several ways, with new convenient usability features, new levels of automation for the form and structure of ...
Version 7.0 introduces built-in zero-configuration parallel computing. Taking full advantage of Mathematica's unique symbolic architecture, Version 7.0 provides an ...
Building on Mathematica's unique base of visualization and graphics capabilities, Mathematica 7 adds several important new areas. Emphasizing integration and automation, ...
In addition to the existing datasets that have been updated, Mathematica 8 now exposes the curated knowledge databases available from Wolfram|Alpha.