SimpleGraphQ[g] yields True if the graph g is a simple graph and False otherwise.
Simplify[expr] performs a sequence of algebraic and other transformations on expr, and returns the simplest form it finds. Simplify[expr, assum] does simplification using ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Sinc[z] gives sinc(z).
SinghMaddalaDistribution[q, a, b] represents the Singh\[Dash]Maddala distribution with shape parameters q and a and scale parameter b.
SingleLetterItalics is an option for Cell that specifies whether single-letter names should be displayed in italics.
SingularValueDecomposition[m] gives the singular value decomposition for a numerical matrix m as a list of matrices {u, w, v}, where w is a diagonal matrix and m can be ...
SingularValueList[m] gives a list of the nonzero singular values of a matrix m. SingularValueList[{m, a}] gives the generalized singular values of m with respect to a. ...
SingularValuePlot[m] gives the singular value plot of a matrix m of rational functions in one complex variable.SingularValuePlot[sys] gives the singular value plot of a ...
SinhIntegral[z] gives the hyperbolic sine integral function Shi(z).
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Sinh[z] gives the hyperbolic sine of z.