Standardize[list] shifts and rescales the elements of list to have zero mean and unit sample variance.Standardize[list, f_1] shifts the elements in list by f_1[list] and ...
StarGraph[n] gives the star graph with n vertices S_n.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Star[x, y, ...] displays as x\[Star]y\[Star]....
StartingStepSize is an option to NDSolve and related functions that specifies the initial step size to use in trying to generate results.
StartOfLine represents the start of a line in a string for purposes of matching in StringExpression.
StartOfString represents the start of a string for purposes of matching in StringExpression.
StartScheduledTask[obj] starts the task represented by obj.
StartupSound is a global option that specifies whether Mathematica plays a sound when it is launched.
StateFeedbackGains[ss, {p_1, p_2, ..., p_n}] gives the state feedback gain matrix for the StateSpaceModel object ss such that the poles of the closed-loop system are p_i.
StateOutputEstimator[ss, l] constructs an estimator for the StateSpaceModel object ss with estimator gain matrix l.StateOutputEstimator[{ss, sensors}, l] uses only sensors as ...