When you create or use Mathematica packages, you will often want to refer to files in a system-independent way. You can use contexts to do this. The basic idea is that on ...
Reading and Writing Mathematica Files External Programs Streams and Low-Level Input and Output
Finding elements that match a pattern. This gives the elements of the list which match the pattern x^_. Here is the total number of elements which match the pattern.
In doing many kinds of calculations, you need to evaluate expressions when variables take on particular values. In many cases, you can do this simply by applying ...
Finding the structure of polynomials written in expanded form. Here is a polynomial in two variables. This is the polynomial in expanded form.
Although Mathematica matches patterns in a purely structural fashion, its notion of structural equivalence is quite sophisticated. In particular, it takes account of ...
Dealing with fonts under Linux can sometimes be tricky. The important issues in dealing with fonts in Mathematica are presented in this tutorial for your convenience. The ...
Specifying formats for text in graphics. Here is a plot with default settings for all formats. Here is the same plot, but now using a 12-point bold font.
Ever since Version 3 of Mathematica, there has been rich support for arbitrary mathematical typesetting and layout. Underlying all that power was a so-called box language, ...
Here is one way to enter a particular expression. Here is another way to enter the same expression. With a notebook front end, you can also enter the expression directly in ...