Unicode: 25A0. Alias: Esc fsq Esc. Letter-like form. Used as a dingbat. Not the same as \[SelectionPlaceholder].
Unicode: 25B2. Letter-like form.
Unicode: 25AA. Alias: Esc fvssq Esc. Letter-like form. Used as a dingbat.
Unicode: 03C2. Alias: Esc fs Esc. Greek letter. Used in written Greek when σ occurs at the end of a word. Not commonly used in technical notation. Not the same as \[Stigma].
Unicode: F7FA.
Unicode: 2605. Alias: Esc *5 Esc. Letter-like form. Not the same as the operator \[Star].
(Mathematica Character Name) Unicode: 266D. Letter-like form. Used to denote musical notes. Sometimes used in mathematical notation.
Unicode: FB02.
Unicode: 0192.
Unicode: 2200. Alias: Esc fa Esc. Compound operator. ∀_xy is by default interpreted as ForAll[x,y].