(Mathematica Character Name) Unicode: 00AC. Aliases: Esc ! Esc, Esc not Esc. Prefix operator with built-in evaluation rules. ¬ x is by default interpreted as Not[x], equivalent to !x.
Unicode: F428. Infix ordering operator. x y is by default interpreted as NotNestedGreaterGreater[x,y].
Unicode: F423. Infix ordering operator. x y is by default interpreted as NotNestedLessLess[x,y].
Unicode: F42B. Infix ordering operator. x y is by default interpreted as NotPrecedesEqual[x,y].
Unicode: 2280. Infix ordering operator. x ⊀ y is by default interpreted as NotPrecedes[x,y].
Unicode: 22E0. Infix ordering operator. x ⋠ y is by default interpreted as NotPrecedesSlantEqual[x,y].
Unicode: 22E8. Infix ordering operator. x ⋨ y is by default interpreted as NotPrecedesTilde[x,y].
Unicode: 220C. Alias: Esc !mem Esc. Infix set relation operator. x ∌ y is by default interpreted as NotReverseElement[x,y].
Unicode: F413. Infix ordering operator. x y is by default interpreted as NotRightTriangleBar[x,y].
Unicode: 22ED. Infix ordering operator. x ⋭ y is by default interpreted as NotRightTriangleEqual[x,y].