Unicode: 2309. Alias: Esc rc Esc. Matchfix operator with built-in evaluation rules. ⌈ x ⌉ is by default interpreted as Ceiling[x]. Extensible character.
Unicode: F606. Alias: Esc r|| Esc. Matchfix operator. x is by default interpreted as DoubleBracketingBar[x]. Used in mathematics to indicate taking a norm. Sometimes used ...
Unicode: 301B. Alias: Esc ]] Esc. m 〚i,j,… 〛 is by default interpreted as Part[m,i,j,…]. Extensible character; grows by default to limited size.
Unicode: 295D. Infix arrow-like operator. x ⥝ y is by default interpreted as RightDownTeeVector[x,y]. Extensible character.
Unicode: 2955. Infix arrow-like operator. x ⥕ y is by default interpreted as RightDownVectorBar[x,y]. Extensible character.
Unicode: 21C2. Infix arrow-like operator. x ⇂ y is by default interpreted as RightDownVector[x,y]. Extensible character.
Unicode: 230B. Alias: Esc rf Esc. Matchfix operator with built-in evaluation rules. ⌊ x ⌋ is by default interpreted as Floor[x]. Extensible character.
Unicode: 00BB. Alias: Esc g>> Esc. Letter-like form. Used as closing quotation marks in languages such as Spanish. Not the same as \[GreaterGreater]. Not the same as >. ...
Unicode: F76C. Alias: Esc ] Esc. Letter-like form. Used in documenting control and command characters. key∖[LeftModified]char\[RightModified] is used to indicate that char ...
Unicode: 25B8.