Unicode: 21BE. Infix arrow-like operator. x ↾ y is by default interpreted as RightUpVector[x,y]. Used in pure mathematics to indicate the restriction of x to y. Extensible ...
Unicode: 2953. Infix arrow-like operator. x ⥓ y is by default interpreted as RightVectorBar[x,y]. Extensible character.
Unicode: 21C0. Alias: Esc vec Esc. Infix and overfix arrow-like operator. x ⇀ y is by default interpreted as RightVector[x,y]. Used in mathematics to indicate weak ...
Unicode: 2970. x ⥰ y ⥰ z groups as x ⥰ (y ⥰ z). Not the same as \[Superset].
Unicode: F3B2. Spacing character. Interpreted by default as equivalent to \[RawSpace].
Unicode: F51F. Alias: Esc :> Esc. Infix operator with built-in evaluation rules. x y is by default interpreted as x:>y or RuleDelayed[x,y]. x y z groups as x (y z).
(Mathematica Character Name) Unicode: F522. Alias: Esc -> Esc. Infix operator with built-in evaluation rules. x y is by default interpreted as x->y or Rule[x,y]. x y z groups as x (y z). ...
Unicode: 2639. Alias: Esc :-( Esc. Letter-like form.
Unicode: 03E0. Aliases: Esc sa Esc, Esc sampi Esc. Special Greek letter. Appeared after ω in early Greek alphabet; used for Greek numeral 900.
Unicode: 2644.