Unicode: F525. x y is by default interpreted as ShortRightArrow[x,y]. Infix arrow operator. Not the same as \[Rule]. Extensible character.
Unicode: F52A. x y is by default interpreted as ShortUpArrow[x,y]. Infix arrow operator.
Unicode: 03C3. Aliases: Esc s Esc, Esc sigma Esc. Greek letter. Used in TraditionalForm for DivisorSigma and WeierstrassSigma.
Unicode: 2736. Alias: Esc *6 Esc. Letter-like form. Not the same as the operator \[Star].
Unicode: 2043. Uninterpretable element. ⁃ name ⁃ is used on output to indicate an expression that has head name, but whose arguments will not explicitly be given. ...
Unicode: 2218. Alias: Esc sc Esc. Infix operator. x ∘ y is by default interpreted as SmallCircle[x,y]. Used to indicate function composition. Not the same as the letter-like ...
Unicode: 2423. Alias: Esc space Esc. Spacing character. Interpreted by default as equivalent to \[RawSpace].
Unicode: F7BF. Alias: Esc spc Esc.
Unicode: 2660. Letter-like form.
Unicode: F3BB. Alias: Esc sfa Esc.