Find searches the current notebook for matches to the text contained in the Search for: field of the dialog box.
Find Next searches forward for the next occurrence of the text string entered in the Find dialog box.
Find Previous searches backward for the next occurrence of the text string entered in the Find dialog box.
Find Selected Function opens documentation about the selected function.
Finish makes the debugger run through the entire evaluation, ignoring any breakpoints.
Font opens a dialog to view and edit font, font style, size, and other text options.
FreeCDF (.cdf) creates a new Computable Document Format (CDF) file.
Front View sets the view point for the selected (or clicked upon) 3D graphic to the default front orientation.
Full Screen toggles between full screen and normal display for the current notebook.
Function Navigator opens the Wolfram Mathematica Function Navigator, which is a hierarchical view of the guide page collection found in the Documentation Center.