CDefine[def] is a symbolic representation of a preprocessor define.
CDereference[obj] is a symbolic representation of the dereferencing of a pointer.
(SymbolicC Package Symbol) CDo[body, test] is a symbolic representation of a do/while statement.
CEnum[members] is a symbolic representation of an enum statement.
(SymbolicC Package Symbol) CError[line] is a symbolic representation of a preprocessor error directive.
CExpression[arg] is a symbolic representation of code that will format using CForm[arg].
(SymbolicC Package Symbol) CFor[init, test, incr, body] is a symbolic representation of a for loop.
CFunction[type, name, args, body] is a symbolic representation of a function definition.CFunction[type, name, args] is a symbolic representation of a function declaration.
(SymbolicC Package Symbol) CGoto[label] is a symbolic representation of a goto statement.
(SymbolicC Package Symbol) CIf[test, trueArg, falseArg] is a symbolic representation of a conditional statement. CIf[test, trueArg] only has a branch if test is true.