AcyclicGraphQ[g] yields True if the graph g is an acyclic graph and False otherwise.
AddOnHelpPath is a global option that specifies which directories are searched for additional help files used within the help system.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) x += dx adds dx to x and returns the new value of x.
AdjacencyGraph[amat] gives the graph with adjacency matrix amat.AdjacencyGraph[{v_1, v_2, ...}, amat] gives the graph with vertices v_i and adjacency matrix amat.
AdjacencyMatrix[g] gives the vertex\[Dash]vertex adjacency matrix of the graph g.
AdjustmentBox[box, opts] is a low-level box construct which displays with the placement of box adjusted using the options given.
AffineTransform[m] gives a TransformationFunction that represents an affine transform that maps r to m.r. AffineTransform[{m, v}] gives an affine transform that maps r to m.r ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) AiryAi[z] gives the Airy function Ai(z).
AiryAiPrime[z] gives the derivative of the Airy function Ai^\[Prime] (z).
AiryAiZero[k] represents the k\[Null]^th zero of the Airy function Ai(x).AiryAiZero[k, x_0] represents the k\[Null]^th zero less than x_0.