HamiltonianPath[g] finds a Hamiltonian path in graph g if one exists. HamiltonianPath[g, All] gives all Hamiltonian paths of graph g.
HamiltonianQ[g] yields True if there exists a Hamiltonian cycle in graph g, or in other words, if there exists a cycle that visits each vertex exactly once.
(Combinatorica Package Symbol) Harary[k, n] constructs the minimal k-connected graph on n vertices.
HasseDiagram[g] constructs a Hasse diagram of the relation defined by directed acyclic graph g.
(Combinatorica Package Symbol) Heapify[p] builds a heap from permutation p.
HeapSort[l] performs a heap sort on the items of list l.
HeawoodGraph returns a smallest (6, 3)-cage, a 3-regular graph with girth 6.
HerschelGraph returns a graph object that represents a Herschel graph.
HideCycles[c] canonically encodes the cycle structure c into a unique permutation.
HighlightedEdgeColors is an option to Highlight that determines which colors are used for the highlighted edges.