RandomTableau[p] constructs a random Young tableau of shape p.
RandomTree[n] constructs a random labeled tree on n vertices.
RandomVertices[g] assigns a random embedding to graph g.
RankBinarySubset[l, s] gives the rank of subset s of set l in the ordering of subsets of l, obtained by interpreting these subsets as binary string representations of ...
RankedEmbedding[l] takes a set partition l of vertices {1, 2, ..., n} and returns an embedding of the vertices in the plane such that the vertices in each block occur on a ...
RankGraph[g, l] partitions the vertices into classes based on the shortest geodesic distance to a member of list l.
RankGrayCodeSubset[l, s] gives the rank of subset s of set l in the Gray code ordering of the subsets of l.
RankKSetPartition[sp, s] ranks sp in the list of all k-block set partitions of s. RankSetPartition[sp] ranks sp in the list of all k-block set partitions of the set of ...
RankKSubset[s, l] gives the rank of k-subset s of set l in the lexicographic ordering of the k-subsets of l.
RankPermutation[p] gives the rank of permutation p in lexicographic order.