DiscreteMath`IntegerPartitions` was available as an add-on package in previous versions of Mathematica and is now available on the web at ...
The functionality is now available in built-in Mathematica kernel functions RSolve, ZTransform, and Sum. The built-in kernel function SeriesCoefficient now contains the ...
DiscreteMath`Tree` was available as an add-on package in previous versions of Mathematica and is now available on the web at library.wolfram.com/infocenter/MathSource/6764.
FourierSeries, FourierTrigSeries, and FourierCoefficient are part of the Mathematica kernel. FourierSinCoefficient and FourierCosCoefficient are now in the built-in ...
(Mathematica Compatibility Information) As of Version 7, the Geodesy Package has been integrated into the Mathematica kernel.
Geometry`Polytopes` functionality is available in the kernel function PolyhedronData.
All the functionality in Geometry`Rotations` is now available in the built-in Mathematica kernel function RotationTransform.
New functions Animate and ListAnimate have been added to the built-in Mathematica kernel. SpinShow is replaced by interactive rotation of three-dimensional graphics.
ArgColor, ArgShade and ColorCircle are obsolete, with simple definitions in terms of system functions.
Arrow has been added to the built-in Mathematica kernel. New directive Arrowheads has been added to the built-in Mathematica kernel.