Miscellaneous`WorldPlot` functionality is now available in the newly created World Plotting Package. Many enhancements are available through the built-in Mathematica kernel ...
MultiPoissonDistribution has been renamed to MultivariatePoissonDistribution and is part of the built-in Mathematica kernel. HotellingTSquareDistribution has been added to ...
NonlinearRegress functionality is now available using the built-in function NonlinearModelFit.
Algebraic is now available as the newly added built-in Mathematica kernel function AlgebraicNumber. ToCommonField and ToNumberFieldElement are now available as the newly ...
Convergents and QuadraticIrrationalQ have been added to the built-in Mathematica kernel.
The functionality of FactorIntegerECM can be obtained using the enhanced Mathematica kernel function FactorInteger.
FrobeniusInstance and FrobeniusSolve are now available as the newly added built-in Mathematica kernel function FrobeniusSolve. FrobeniusF is now available as the newly added ...
SquareFreeQ, PrimePowerQ, KroneckerSymbol, ChineseRemainder and PrimitiveRoot have been added to the built-in Mathematica kernel functions. NextPrime and PreviousPrime are ...
All the functionality in NumberTheory`PrimeQ` is now available through the newly created Primality Proving Package.
The functionality of PrimitiveElement is now available in the newly added built-in Mathematica kernel function ToNumberField.