AtmosphericPlot[property] generates a plot of the specified property property as a function of geometric altitude.
CollisionFrequency[altitude] gives the collision frequency at the specified altitude altitude.
DynamicViscosity[altitude] gives the coefficient of dynamic viscosity at the specified altitude altitude.
GravityAcceleration[altitude] gives the 45-degree-latitude acceleration of gravity at the specified altitude altitude.
KinematicViscosity[altitude] gives the kinematic viscosity at the specified altitude altitude.
KineticTemperature[altitude] gives the kinetic temperature at the specified altitude altitude.
MeanDensity[altitude] gives the mean density of air at the specified altitude altitude.
MeanFreePath[altitude] gives the mean free path at the specified altitude altitude.
MeanMolecularWeight[altitude] gives the mean molecular weight at the specified altitude altitude.
MeanParticleSpeed[altitude] gives the mean particle speed at the specified altitude altitude.