CoordinatesToCartesian[pt] gives the Cartesian coordinates of the point pt given in the default coordinate system. CoordinatesToCartesian[pt, coordsys] gives the Cartesian ...
CoordinateSystem gives the name of the default coordinate system.
CrossProduct[v_1, v_2] gives the cross product of the two 3-vectors v_1, v_2 in the default coordinate system. CrossProduct[v_1, v_2, coordsys] gives the cross product of v_1 ...
(Vector Analysis Package Symbol) Curl[f] gives the curl, \[Del]*f, of the vector field f in the default coordinate system. Curl[f, coordsys] gives the curl of f in the coordinate system coordsys.
Cylindrical represents the cylindrical coordinate system with default variables Rr, Ttheta, and Zz.Cylindrical[r, \[Theta], z] represents the cylindrical coordinate system ...
(Vector Analysis Package Symbol) Div[f] gives the divergence, \[Del]\[CenterDot]f, of the vector field f in the default coordinate system. Div[f, coordsys] gives the divergence of f in the coordinate system ...
DotProduct[v_1, v_2] gives the dot product of the two 3-vectors v_1, v_2 in the default coordinate system. DotProduct[v_1, v_2, coordsys] gives the dot product of v_1 and v_2 ...
(Vector Analysis Package Symbol) Eeta is one of the default coordinates for the ProlateSpheroidal and OblateSpheroidal coordinate systems.
EllipticCylindrical represents the elliptic cylindrical coordinate system with default variables Uu, Vv, and Zz and default parameter value 1. EllipticCylindrical[u, v, z] ...
(Vector Analysis Package Symbol) Grad[f] gives the gradient, \[Del]f, of the scalar function f in the default coordinate system. Grad[f, coordsys] gives the gradient of f in the coordinate system coordsys.