CUDA is a general C-like programming developed by NVIDIA to program Graphical Processing Units (GPUs). CUDALink provides an easy interface to program the GPU by removing many ...
CUDALink allows Mathematica to use the CUDA parallel computing architecture on Graphical Processing Units (GPUs). It contains functions that use CUDA-enabled GPUs to boost ...
This section is concerned with the way that CUDALink is set up and configured for your machine. It will also help to track down and correct problems. CUDALink is designed to ...
DatabaseLink provides a number of functions for connection to an SQL database. It also supports a resource mechanism that allows the details of how the connection is set up ...
DatabaseLink has functions for working with the tables of data in a database. It can create and drop tables, as well as fetch information about the organization of tables in ...
DatabaseLink supports SQL transactions and result sets. These features, useful for advanced users, help to maintain integrity of the data stored in your database as well as ...
DatabaseLink provides functions for working with data stored in tables in SQL databases. Operations such as searching, inserting, and deleting are supported. They also ...
DatabaseLink is a toolkit for working with SQL databases built into Mathematica. It provides an industrial-strength, ready-made solution for integrating Mathematica with any ...
CloseSQLConnection[conn] disconnects the current connection associated with a data source.
DatabaseExplorer[] launches a graphical user interface to DatabaseLink.