ReturnAsJavaObject[expr] causes a Java method call or field access during the evaluation of expr to return its result as an object reference (a JavaObject expression), not a ...
SameObjectQ[object_1, object_2] returns True if and only if the JavaObject expressions object_1 and object_2 refer to the same Java object.
SetComplexClass[classname] specifies the Java class to use for complex numbers sent from, and returned to, Mathematica.
SetField[obj@field, val] sets a value of an object field.
SetInternetProxy[host, port] sets proxy information in your Java session for accessing the internet.
SetPeriodicalInterval[id, interval] resets the time interval for the periodical task with the given id.
ShowJavaConsole[] displays the Java console window and begins capturing output sent to the Java System.out and System.err streams. ShowJavaConsole["stdout"] captures only ...
UninstallJava[] shuts down the Java runtime that was started by InstallJava.
UseFrontEnd[expr] evaluates expr in an environment where the kernel can make use of the services of the notebook front end.
UseJVM[jvm, body] acts like a wrapper that causes all J/Link calls in body to use the specified JVM as the default Java runtime.