FixCRLF["str"] changes the linefeeds in the given string to the CR/LF Windows convention.
FormStartPosition is an option to DoNETModal, DoNETModeless, ShowNETWindow, and ShowNETConsole that controls the onscreen location of the form when it first appears.
GetAssemblyObject[asm ] returns the .NET Assembly object corresponding to the specified NETAssembly expression asm.
GetComplexType[] returns the .NET type that is currently mapped to Mathematica Complex numbers.
GetNETException[] returns the .NET exception object that was thrown in the most recent call from Mathematica to .NET.
GetTypeObject[type _NETType] returns the .NET Type object corresponding to the specified NETType expression.
InstallNET[] launches the .NET runtime and prepares it to be used from Mathematica.
InstanceOf[netobject, nettype] gives True if netobject is an instance of the type nettype, or a subtype, and False otherwise.
KeepNETObject[object] causes the specified object(s) not to be released when the current NETBlock ends. KeepNETObject[object, Manual] causes the specified object to escape ...
LanguageSyntax is an option to NETTypeInfo that specifies which language syntax will be used to display the type information.