8451 - 8460 of 10081 for COMSearch Results
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FixCRLF   (NETLink Symbol)
FixCRLF["str"] changes the linefeeds in the given string to the CR/LF Windows convention.
FormStartPosition   (NETLink Symbol)
FormStartPosition is an option to DoNETModal, DoNETModeless, ShowNETWindow, and ShowNETConsole that controls the onscreen location of the form when it first appears.
GetAssemblyObject   (NETLink Symbol)
GetAssemblyObject[asm ] returns the .NET Assembly object corresponding to the specified NETAssembly expression asm.
GetComplexType   (NETLink Symbol)
GetComplexType[] returns the .NET type that is currently mapped to Mathematica Complex numbers.
GetNETException   (NETLink Symbol)
GetNETException[] returns the .NET exception object that was thrown in the most recent call from Mathematica to .NET.
GetTypeObject   (NETLink Symbol)
GetTypeObject[type _NETType] returns the .NET Type object corresponding to the specified NETType expression.
InstallNET   (NETLink Symbol)
InstallNET[] launches the .NET runtime and prepares it to be used from Mathematica.
InstanceOf   (NETLink Symbol)
InstanceOf[netobject, nettype] gives True if netobject is an instance of the type nettype, or a subtype, and False otherwise.
KeepNETObject   (NETLink Symbol)
KeepNETObject[object] causes the specified object(s) not to be released when the current NETBlock ends. KeepNETObject[object, Manual] causes the specified object to escape ...
LanguageSyntax   (NETLink Symbol)
LanguageSyntax is an option to NETTypeInfo that specifies which language syntax will be used to display the type information.
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