RemoveEventHandler[obj@event, delegate] removes the specified delegate from the named event.
ReturnAsNETObject[expr] causes a .NET call during the evaluation of expr to return its result as an object reference (i.e., a NETObject expression), not a value.
SafeArrayAsArray is an option to LoadCOMTypeLibrary that specifies whether to import all SAFEARRAYs as System.Array rather than a typed, single-dimensional managed array.
SameObjectQ[object_1, object_2] returns True if and only if the NETObject expressions object_1 and object_2 refer to the same .NET object.
SaveAssemblyAs is an option to LoadCOMTypeLibrary that allows you to specify a filename into which to write the interop assembly that gets generated.
SendDelegateArguments is an option to AddEventHandler and NETNewDelegate that specifies which of the delegate arguments you want to be passed to your Mathematica callback ...
SetComplexType[type] tells .NET/Link to map the specified type to Mathematica Complex numbers.
ShowNETConsole[] displays the .NET console window and begins capturing output sent to the Console.Out and Console.Error streams.ShowNETConsole["stdout"] captures only ...
ShowNETWindow[form] displays the specified .NET form in the foreground.
StaticsVisible is an option to LoadNETType that specifies whether the class-specific context in which static method and field definitions are created should be placed on ...