TetGenDelaunay[points] generates a Delaunay tetrahedralization for a 3D point set.
TetGenDelete[expr] removes an instance of a TetGen expression, freeing up memory.
TetGenDetectIntersectingFacets[points, facets] returns a list of points and intersecting facets.
TetGenExport["file.ext", expr] exports data from a TetGen expression into a file. TetGenExport["file", expr, " format"] exports data in the specified format.
TetGenExpression[id] represents an instance of a TetGen object.
TetGenExpressions[] returns a list of active TetGen expressions.
TetGenGetEdges[expr] gets the edges in a TetGen expression.
TetGenGetElementAttributes[expr] gets the element attributes in a TetGen expression.
TetGenGetElements[expr] gets the elements in a TetGen expression.
TetGenGetFaceMarkers[expr] returns the face markers for a TetGen expression.