Precision[x] gives the effective number of digits of precision in the number x.
FourierDCT[list] finds the Fourier discrete cosine transform of a list of real numbers.FourierDCT[list, m] finds the Fourier discrete cosine transform of type m.
FourierDST[list] finds the Fourier discrete sine transform of a list of real numbers.FourierDST[list, m] finds the Fourier discrete sine transform of type m.
SchurDecomposition[m] yields the Schur decomposition for a numerical matrix m, given as a list {q, t} where q is an orthonormal matrix and t is a block upper-triangular ...
JordanModelDecomposition[ss] yields the Jordan decomposition of a StateSpaceModel object ss. The result is a list {s, jc} where s is a similarity matrix and jc is the Jordan ...
ControllabilityGramian[ss] gives the controllability Gramian of the StateSpaceModel object ss.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Fourier[list] finds the discrete Fourier transform of a list of complex numbers.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Normal[expr] converts expr to a normal expression, from a variety of special forms.
QRDecomposition[m] yields the QR decomposition for a numerical matrix m. The result is a list {q, r}, where q is an orthogonal matrix and r is an upper-triangular matrix.
Rationalize[x] converts an approximate number x to a nearby rational with small denominator. Rationalize[x, dx] yields the rational number with smallest denominator that lies ...