WaveletThreshold[dwd] thresholds the detail wavelet coefficients in the DiscreteWaveletData object dwd.WaveletThreshold[dwd, tspec] thresholds the coefficients using the ...
WeierstrassSigma[u, {g_2, g_3}] gives the Weierstrass sigma function \[Sigma](u; g_2, g_3).
BattleLemarieWavelet[] represents the Battle-Lemarié wavelet of order 3.BattleLemarieWavelet[n] represents the Battle-Lemarié wavelet of order n evaluated on equally spaced ...
CoifletWavelet[] represents a Coiflet wavelet of order 2.CoifletWavelet[n] represents a Coiflet wavelet of order n.
LQEstimatorGains[ss, {w, v}] gives the optimal estimator gain matrix for the StateSpaceModel object ss with process and measurement noise covariance matrices w and ...
MatrixExp[m] gives the matrix exponential of m. MatrixExp[m, v] gives the matrix exponential of m applied to the vector v.
MeyerWavelet[] represents the Meyer wavelet of order 3.MeyerWavelet[n] represents the Meyer wavelet of order n evaluated on the equally spaced interval {-10, ...
WaveletMapIndexed[f, wd] applies the function f to the arrays of coefficients and indices of a ContinuousWaveletData or DiscreteWaveletData object.WaveletMapIndexed[f, dwd, ...
CharacteristicPolynomial[m, x] gives the characteristic polynomial for the matrix m. CharacteristicPolynomial[{m, a}, x] gives the generalized characteristic polynomial with ...
LQGRegulator[{ss, sensors, finputs}, {w, v, h}, {q, r, p}] constructs the optimal feedback regulator for the StateSpaceModel ss using noisy measurements sensors and feedback ...