Mathematica has over 3000 built-in functions and other objects, all based on a single unified framework, and all carefully designed to work together, both in simple ...
TradingChart[{{date_1, {open_1, high_1, low_1, close_1, volume_1}}, ...}] makes a chart showing prices and volume for each date. TradingChart[{" name", daterange}] makes a ...
PointFigureChart[{{date_1, p_1}, {date_2, p_2}, ...}] makes a point and figure chart with prices p_i at date date_i.PointFigureChart[{" name", daterange}] makes a point and ...
Widget["PopupMenu"] represents a popup menu.
Widget["ToolBar"] represents a toolbar.
MultivariateKurtosis[matrix] gives a multivariate kurtosis coefficient for matrix.
(Numerical Differential Equation Analysis Package Symbol) ButcherPlot[tree] gives a plot of tree.ButcherPlot[{tree_1, tree_2, ...}] gives an array of plots of tree_1, tree_2, ....
Mathematica's symbolic architecture makes it possible to treat images just like any other form of expression—applying functions to them, displaying and inputting them in ...
Mathematica routinely handles huge arrays of numeric, symbolic, textual, or any other data, with any dimension or structure. Arrays are fully integrated into Mathematica's ...
HarmonicMean[list] gives the harmonic mean of the values in list.