Mathematica provides functions for the aesthetic drawing of graphs. Algorithms implemented include spring embedding, spring-electrical embedding, high-dimensional embedding, ...
(Parallel Package Tutorial) The parallel computing features of Mathematica entirely replace the Parallel Computing Toolkit that was available up to Mathematica Version 6. As stated in the Introduction, ...
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) MIME types: application/fits, image/fits FITS scientific image and data format. Standard format for the exchange and archival storage of astronomical data. Endorsed by NASA ...
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) 3D geometry format. ASCII or binary format. Used for storage and interchange of 3D graphical objects. Known as Stanford Triangle Format. PLY is an acronym derived from ...
Registered MIME type: video/quicktime Apple QuickTime file format. Multimedia container format. Commonly used for archiving and exchanging video content. Stores audio and ...
DiscreteConvolve[f, g, n, m] gives the convolution with respect to n of the expressions f and g. DiscreteConvolve[f, g, {n_1, n_2, ...}, {m_1, m_2, ...}] gives the ...
Listable is an attribute that can be assigned to a symbol f to indicate that the function f should automatically be threaded over lists that appear as its arguments.
If you have a function defined in an external program, then what you need to do in order to make it possible to call the function from within Mathematica is to add ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Solve[expr, vars] attempts to solve the system expr of equations or inequalities for the variables vars. Solve[expr, vars, dom] solves over the domain dom. Common choices of ...
The CCompilerDriver package lets you work with C compilers that are installed on your computer. It is used automatically by the Mathematica compiler when you set the option ...