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The introduction of Mathematica 6 in 2007 represented a revolutionary redefinition of Mathematica. Arriving only 18 months after Mathematica 6, Mathematica 7 represents ...
OrderDistribution[{dist, n}, k] represents the k\[Null]^th-order statistics distribution for n observations from the distribution dist.OrderDistribution[{dist, n}, {k_1, k_2, ...
ParallelEvaluate[expr] evaluates the expression expr on all available parallel kernels and returns the list of results obtained.ParallelEvaluate[expr, kernel] evaluates expr ...
BinomialDistribution[n, p] represents a binomial distribution with n trials and success probability p.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) RSolve[eqn, a[n], n] solves a recurrence equation for a[n]. RSolve[{eqn_1, eqn_2, ...}, {a_1[n], a_2[n], ...}, n] solves a system of recurrence equations. RSolve[eqn, a[n_1, ...
Mathematica normally assumes that variables which appear in equations can stand for arbitrary complex numbers. But when you use Reduce, you can explicitly tell Mathematica ...
(Calendar Package Symbol) DateQ[{year, month, day}] yields True if date {year, month, day} is a valid date in the current calendar system, and yields False otherwise. DateQ[{year, month, day, hour, ...
EquationTrekker[eqn, x, {t, t_min, t_max}] opens a graphical interface for specifying initial conditions and plotting the resulting numerical solution to the first or second ...
Convolve[f, g, x, y] gives the convolution with respect to x of the expressions f and g.Convolve[f, g, {x_1, x_2, ...}, {y_1, y_2, ...}] gives the multidimensional ...