$CharacterEncodings gives the list of character encodings that can be used.
To run Mathematica using a network license, both the client machine and the license server must be on the network and MathLM must be running. If you do not have a MathLM ...
Notebook's Kernel specifies the kernel for a notebook.
DefaultFontProperties is a global option that specifies various properties of a font family, such as its character encoding and whether it is monospaced.
$BaseDirectory gives the base directory in which systemwide files to be loaded by Mathematica are conventionally placed.
Mathematica offers a variety of methods for accessing the system clipboard and clipboard-like operations. In addition to the traditional interactive methods for accessing the ...
$Packages gives a list of the contexts corresponding to all packages which have been loaded in your current Mathematica session.
$SessionID is a number set up to be unique to a particular Mathematica session.
The Lotka–Volterra system arises in mathematical biology and models the growth of animal species. Consider two species where Y_1(T) denotes the number of predators and Y_2(T) ...
$TimeZone gives the current time zone to assume for dates and times.