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WindowFrameElements   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
WindowFrameElements is an option for notebooks that specifies the elements to include in the frame of the window used to display the notebook on the screen.
Rigid Body Solvers   (Mathematica Tutorial)
The equations of motion for a free rigid body whose center of mass is at the origin are given by the following Euler equations (see [MR99]). Two quadratic first integrals of ...
$MaxNumber   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
$MaxNumber gives the maximum arbitrary-precision number that can be represented on a particular computer system.
$UserBaseDirectory   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
$UserBaseDirectory gives the base directory in which user-specific files to be loaded by Mathematica are conventionally placed.
FilePrint   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
FilePrint["file"] prints out the raw textual contents of file.
Matrices and Linear Algebra   (Mathematica Guide)
Mathematica automatically handles both numeric and symbolic matrices, seamlessly switching among large numbers of highly-optimized algorithms. Using many original methods, ...
Testing and Verification   (Mathematica Tutorial)
Every version of Mathematica is subjected to a large amount of testing before it is released. The vast majority of this testing is done by an automated system that is written ...
MoveNextLine   (Mathematica Front End Token)
"MoveNextLine" is a front end token that moves the insertion point down by one line.
$ExportFormats   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
$ExportFormats gives a list of export formats currently supported in your Mathematica system.
ImplicitRungeKutta Method for NDSolve   (Mathematica Tutorial)
Implicit Runge–Kutta methods have a number of desirable properties. The Gauss–Legendre methods, for example, are self-adjoint, meaning that they provide the same solution ...
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