"MoveNextCell" is a front end token that moves the insertion point down by one cell.
AutoOpenPalettes is a global option that specifies the palettes that are automatically opened when Mathematica is started.
ExtractArchive[file] expands an archive file, saving its content into the current directory.ExtractArchive[file, dir] saves the content of an archive file into directory ...
StartupSound is a global option that specifies whether Mathematica plays a sound when it is launched.
SQLColumns[conn] returns the SQLColumn objects for each column in an SQL connection.
LimitsPositioningTokens is an option for selections that specifies a set of characters for which the option LimitsPositioning is set to True by default.
Finding singular values and norms of matrices. The singular values of a matrix m are the square roots of the eigenvalues of m.m^*, where * denotes Hermitian transpose. The ...
ScaleFactors[pt] gives a list of the scale factors at the point pt in the default coordinate system. ScaleFactors[pt, coordsys] gives a list of the scale factors in the ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Options[symbol] gives the list of default options assigned to a symbol. Options[expr] gives the options explicitly specified in a particular expression such as a graphics ...
This package contains functions for measuring the performance of Mathematica on your computer and for producing a comparison report that includes benchmark results for other ...