Preferences opens the Preferences dialog to view and edit preferences, options, and system settings.
AllowInlineCells is an option for cells that specifies whether inline cells are permitted within a cell.
AnimationCycleRepetitions is an option for cells that specifies the number of times a given animation cycle should be repeated.
AutoloadPath is a global option that specifies from which directories packages are automatically loaded when Mathematica is started.
BoxMargins is an option for AdjustmentBox objects that specifies the margins to leave around the contents of the box.
CellGroupingRules is an option for cells that specifies the rules used for grouping a cell.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Context[] gives the current context. Context[symbol] gives the context in which a symbol appears.
CounterStyleMenuListing is an option for cells that specifies what counter styles are listed in the Counter popup menu of the Create Automatic Numbering Object dialog box.
ExportAutoReplacements is an option for cells that specifies which replacement rules Mathematica automatically applies when exporting text.
ImportAutoReplacements is an option for cells that specifies which replacement rules Mathematica automatically applies when importing text.