mathematica starts the full Mathematica system including notebook interface on Unix and Linux.
(Mathematica System Program) math options starts the Mathematica kernel in Unix and Linux.
NotebookOpen["name"] opens an existing notebook with the specified name, returning the corresponding notebook object. NotebookOpen["name", options] opens a notebook using the ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Prolog is an option for graphics functions which gives a list of graphics primitives to be rendered before the main part of the graphics is rendered.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Refresh[expr, opts] represents an object whose value in a Dynamic should be refreshed at times specified by the options opts. Refresh[expr, None] specifies that the value of ...
$CharacterEncoding specifies the default raw character encoding to use for input and output functions.
$MachinePrecision gives the number of decimal digits of precision used for machine-precision numbers.
(Notation Package Symbol) Action is an option of Notation, Symbolize and InfixNotation that defines what action will be performed with the given notation statement.
FileNameDrop["name", n] drops the first n path elements in the file name " name".FileNameDrop["name", -n] drops the last n path elements in the file name " ...
InputNotebook[] gives the current notebook into which keyboard input in the front end will be directed.