Mathematica can export anything it displays—graphics, text, formulas, notebooks—to any standard raster image format. It can also import from such formats to give Mathematica ...
There are many convenient ways to get an image into Mathematica , including drag and drop. You can also import images by evaluating commands in a notebook. Once you have an ...
DumpSave["", symbol] writes definitions associated with a symbol to a file in internal Mathematica format. DumpSave["", " context`"] writes out definitions ...
NHoldFirst is an attribute which specifies that the first argument to a function should not be affected by N.
ParallelNeeds["context"] evaluates Needs["context"] on all available parallel kernels.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) lhs -> rhs or lhs -> rhs represents a rule that transforms lhs to rhs.
Mathematica creates a new symbol when you first enter a particular name. Sometimes it is useful to "intercept" the process of creating a new symbol. Mathematica provides ...
Numerical solution of differential equations. This generates a numerical solution to the equation y^′(x)y(x) with 0<x<2. The result is given in terms of an ...
Manipulating global options in the front end. Just like cells and notebooks, the complete Mathematica front end has various options, which you can look at and manipulate from ...
Finding memory usage. Particularly for symbolic computations, memory is usually the primary resource which limits the size of computations you can do. If a computation runs ...