DiscreteUniformDistribution[{i_min, i_max}] represents a discrete uniform distribution over the integers from i_min to i_max.DiscreteUniformDistribution[{{i_min, i_max}, ...
Divide Cell splits a cell at the insertion point.
FlipView[{expr_1, expr_2}] represents an object which flips between displaying expr_1 and expr_2 each time it is clicked.FlipView[{expr_1, expr_2, ...}] cyclically flips ...
SolveAlways[eqns, vars] gives the values of parameters that make the equations eqns valid for all values of the variables vars.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Inner[f, list_1, list_2, g] is a generalization of Dot in which f plays the role of multiplication and g of addition.
AlternatingGroup[n] represents the alternating group of degree n.
Signature[list] gives the signature of the permutation needed to place the elements of list in canonical order.
LeviCivitaTensor[d] gives the d-dimensional Levi-Civita totally antisymmetric tensor.
expr //. rules repeatedly performs replacements until expr no longer changes.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Reverse[expr] reverses the order of the elements in expr. Reverse[expr, n] reverses elements at level n in expr.Reverse[expr, {n_1, n_2, ...}] reverses elements at levels ...