int MLPutByteArray (MLINK link, unsigned char *a, int *dims, char ** heads, int d) puts an array of integers in the range 0\[Dash]255 to the MathLink connection specified by ...
int MLPutInteger16Array (MLINK link, short *a, int *dims, char ** heads, int d) puts an array of 16-bit integers to the MathLink connection specified by link to form a depth ...
int MLPutInteger32Array (MLINK link, int *a, int *dims, char ** heads, int d) puts an array of 32-bit integers to the MathLink connection specified by link to form a depth d ...
int MLPutInteger64Array (MLINK link, mlint64 *a, int *dims, char ** heads, int d) puts an array of 64-bit integers to the MathLink connection specified by link to form a ...
int MLPutReal32Array (MLINK link, float *a, int *dims, char ** heads, int d) puts an array of single-precision floating-point numbers to the MathLink connection specified by ...
int MLPutReal64Array (MLINK link, double *a, int *dims, char ** heads, int d) puts an array of double-precision floating-point numbers to the MathLink connection specified by ...
The first part of this User Guide describes using J/Link to allow you to call from Mathematica into Java, thereby extending the Mathematica environment to include the ...
int MLPutRawData (MLINK link, const unsigned char *d, int l) puts raw character data or numeric data from d of length l bytes to link.
int MLPutUCS2String (MLINK link, const unsigned short *s, int n) puts a string of n 16-bit UCS-2 characters to the MathLink connection specified by link.
int MLPutUTF16Symbol (MLINK link, const unsigned short *s, int len) puts a symbol whose name is given by UTF-16 encoded string s with length len to the MathLink connection ...