Special forms for some common symbols. This is equivalent to Sin[60Degree]. Here is the long form of the input.
Baseline is a symbol that represents the baseline for purposes of alignment and positioning.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Bottom is a symbol that represents the bottom for purposes of alignment and positioning.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Reap[expr] gives the value of expr together with all expressions to which Sow has been applied during its evaluation. Expressions sown using Sow[e] or Sow[e, tag_i] with ...
SpanAdjustments is an option for selections that specifies the height and width of spanning characters.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Top is a symbol that represents the top for purposes of alignment and positioning.
Ways to get pieces of matrices. Matrices in Mathematica are represented as lists of lists. You can use all the standard Mathematica list-manipulation operations on matrices. ...
CatalanNumber[n] gives the n\[Null]^th Catalan number C_n.
Divisors[n] gives a list of the integers that divide n.
DotDashed is a graphics directive specifying that lines that follow should be drawn dot-dashed.