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$PreRead   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
$PreRead is a global variable whose value, if set, is applied to the text or box form of every input expression before it is fed to Mathematica.
Applying Transformation Rules   (Mathematica Tutorial)
Applying transformation rules. The replacement operator /. (pronounced "slash-dot") applies rules to expressions. You can give a list of rules to apply. Each rule will be ...
Exact Equations   (Mathematica Tutorial)
Here is an example of an exact ODE. This verifies the solution. Here is a contour plot of the solution.
Differences   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
Differences[list] gives the successive differences of elements in list. Differences[list, n] gives the n\[Null]^th differences of list. Differences[list, {n_1, n_2, ...}] ...
Rectangle   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
Rectangle[{x_min, y_min}, {x_max, y_max}] is a two-dimensional graphics primitive that represents a filled rectangle, oriented parallel to the axes. Rectangle[{x_min, y_min}] ...
StandardForm   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
StandardForm[expr] prints as the standard Mathematica two-dimensional representation of expr.
Nested Lists   (Mathematica Tutorial)
Ways to construct nested lists. This generates a table corresponding to a 2×3 nested list. This generates an array corresponding to the same nested list.
ForAll   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
ForAll[x, expr] represents the statement that expr is True for all values of x. ForAll[x, cond, expr] states that expr is True for all x satisfying the condition cond. ...
Function   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
Function[body] or body & is a pure function. The formal parameters are # (or #1), #2, etc. Function[x, body] is a pure function with a single formal parameter x. ...
Labeled   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
Labeled[expr, lbl] displays expr labeled with lbl. Labeled[expr, lbl, pos] places lbl at a position specified by pos. Labeled[expr, {lbl_1, lbl_2, ...}, {pos_1, ...}] places ...
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