[AB04] Abell, M. L. and J. P. Braselton. Differential Equations with Mathematica. (3rd ed.) Elsevier Academic Press, 2004. [A89] Abramov, S. A. "Rational Solutions of Linear ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Mod[m, n] gives the remainder on division of m by n. Mod[m, n, d] uses an offset d.
OpenerView[{expr_1, expr_2}] represents an object which displays as an opener, together with expr_1 if the opener is closed, and both expr_1 and expr_2 if it is ...
First-order PDEs are usually classified as linear, quasi-linear, or nonlinear. The first two types are discussed in this tutorial. A first-order PDE for an unknown function ...
SurvivalFunction[dist, x] gives the survival function for the symbolic distribution dist evaluated at x.SurvivalFunction[dist, {x_1, x_2, ...}] gives the multivariate ...
In calculus even more than other areas, Mathematica packs centuries of mathematical development into a small number of exceptionally powerful functions. Continually enhanced ...
MantissaExponent[x] gives a list containing the mantissa and exponent of a number x. MantissaExponent[x, b] gives the base-b mantissa and exponent of x.
MathieuCPrime[a, q, z] gives the derivative with respect to z of the even Mathieu function with characteristic value a and parameter q.
MathieuSPrime[a, q, z] gives the derivative with respect to z of the odd Mathieu function with characteristic value a and parameter q.
Derivatives is an option to MiniMaxApproximation and GeneralMiniMaxApproximation that specifies an expression that evaluates to a list containing the function and its first ...