BooleanVariables[expr] gives a list of the Boolean variables in the Boolean expression expr.BooleanVariables[bf] gives the number of Boolean variables in the BooleanFunction ...
CreateWindow[] creates an empty window in the front end.CreateWindow[nb] creates a window displaying the notebook expression nb, and opens it in the front ...
Dimensions[expr] gives a list of the dimensions of expr. Dimensions[expr, n] gives a list of the dimensions of expr down to level n.
EdgeForm[g] is a graphics directive which specifies that edges of polygons and other filled graphics objects are to be drawn using the graphics directive or list of ...
ImageEffect[image, " effect"] applies the specified image effect to image.ImageEffect[image, {"effect", params}] uses parameters params.
NormFunction is an option for functions such as FindFit and NDSolve which gives a function to be minimized in generating results.
lhs :> rhs or lhs :> rhs represents a rule that transforms lhs to rhs, evaluating rhs only after the rule is used.
ViewAngle is an option for Graphics3D and related functions which gives the opening half-angle for a simulated camera used to view the three-dimensional scene.
Converting between strings and lists of characters. This gives a list of the characters in the string. You can apply standard list manipulation operations to this list.
"Values for Symbols" discussed how you can use transformation rules of the form x->value to replace symbols by values. The notion of transformation rules in Mathematica is, ...