RootMeanSquare[list] gives the root mean square of values in list.
RoundingRadius is an option for Rectangle, Framed, and related functions that specifies the radius of the circle to use in rendering rounded corners.
SphericalHarmonicY[l, m, \[Theta], \[Phi]] gives the spherical harmonic Y_l^m(\[Theta], \[Phi]).
SplineKnots is an option for B-spline functions and graphics primitives that specifies the positions of knots.
SymmetricGroup[n] represents the symmetric group of degree n.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Tr[list] finds the trace of the matrix or tensor list. Tr[list, f] finds a generalized trace, combining terms with f instead of Plus. Tr[list, f, n] goes down to level n in ...
VertexCoordinateRules is an option for GraphPlot and related functions which specifies rules for determining the coordinates at which vertices should be placed.
WattsStrogatzGraphDistribution[n, p] represents the Watts\[Dash]Strogatz graph distribution for n-vertex graphs with rewiring probability p.WattsStrogatzGraphDistribution[n, ...
General Mathematica patterns provide a powerful way to do string manipulation. But particularly if you are familiar with specialized string manipulation languages, you may ...
SparseArray[{pos_1 -> val_1, pos_2 -> val_2, ...}] yields a sparse array in which values val_i appear at positions pos_i. SparseArray[{pos_1, pos_2, ...} -> {val_1, val_2, ...