(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) CDF[dist, x] gives the cumulative distribution function for the symbolic distribution dist evaluated at x.CDF[dist, {x_1, x_2, ...}] gives the multivariate cumulative ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) CForm[expr] prints as a C language version of expr.
ChartStyle is an option for charting functions that specifies styles in which chart elements should be drawn.
ChebyshevT[n, x] gives the Chebyshev polynomial of the first kind T_n (x).
Coefficient[expr, form] gives the coefficient of form in the polynomial expr. Coefficient[expr, form, n] gives the coefficient of form^n in expr.
EllipticNomeQ[m] gives the nome q corresponding to the parameter m in an elliptic function.
EstimatorGains[ss, {p_1, p_2, ..., p_n}] gives the estimator gain matrix for the StateSpaceModel object ss, such that the poles of the estimator are p_i.
ExportString[expr, " format"] generates a string corresponding to expr exported in the specified format. ExportString[rules, {"format", "Rules"}] gives explicit rules for ...
FindShortestTour[{e_1, e_2, ...}] attempts to find an ordering of the e_i that minimizes the total distance on a tour that visits all the e_i once.
FortranForm[expr] prints as a Fortran language version of expr.