Mathematica can efficiently handle both univariate and multivariate rational functions, with built-in functions immediately implementing standard algebraic transformations.
GraphicsColumn[{g_1, g_2, ...}] generates a graphic in which the g_i are laid out in a column, with g_1 above g_2, etc. GraphicsColumn[list, alignment] aligns each element ...
ProbabilityPlot[list] generates a plot of the CDF of list against the CDF of a normal distribution.ProbabilityPlot[dist] generates a plot of the CDF of the distribution dist ...
Spacings is an option to Grid and related constructs that specifies the spacings to leave between successive objects.
ImplementJavaInterface[interfaces, mappings] uses the Dynamic Proxy facility of Java to create a new Java class and return an object of that class that implements the named ...
SelfLoopStyle is an option for GraphPlot and related functions that specifies how to draw self-loops that connect a vertex to itself.
TraceDialog[expr] initiates a dialog for every expression used in the evaluation of expr. TraceDialog[expr, form] initiates a dialog only for expressions which match form. ...
TraceScan[f, expr] applies f to all expressions used in the evaluation of expr. TraceScan[f, expr, form] includes only those expressions which match form. TraceScan[f, expr, ...
Beyond using a keyboard or mouse, you can control Mathematica with a joystick, gamepad, 3D mouse, or any device that follows the industry-standard human interface device ...