Differentiating a known function gives an explicit result. Differentiating an unknown function f gives a result in terms of f'. Mathematica applies the chain rule for ...
Packing a large number of sophisticated algorithms—many recent and original—into a powerful collection of functions, Mathematica draws on almost every major result in number ...
FilterRules[rules, patt] filters the list rules by picking out only those rules whose left-hand sides match patt.FilterRules[rules, {patt_1, patt_2, ...}] picks out rules ...
ColorRules is an option for ArrayPlot which specifies how colors of cells should be determined from values.
ArrayRules[SparseArray[...]] gives the rules {pos_1 -> val_1, pos_2 -> val_2, ...} specifying elements in a sparse array. ArrayRules[list] gives rules for SparseArray[list].
Patterns stand for classes of expressions. They contain pattern objects that represent sets of possible expressions. Pattern objects. When several pattern objects with the ...
There are a number of important interactions in Mathematica between evaluation and pattern matching. The first observation is that pattern matching is usually done on ...
Rules are a key part of Mathematica 's powerful expression transformation language. These "How tos" give step-by-step instructions for using rules in Mathematica .
SignPadding is an option for NumberForm and related functions that specifies whether padding should be inserted after signs.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Det[m] gives the determinant of the square matrix m.