Unicode: 03B4. Aliases: Esc d Esc, Esc delta Esc. Greek letter.
Unicode: 22F1. Letter-like form. Used to indicate omitted elements in a matrix. Not the same as \[Continuation].
Unicode: 2300. Letter-like form. Used in geometry. Not the same as \[CapitalOSlash] or \[EmptySet].
Unicode: 22C4. Alias: Esc dia Esc. Infix operator. x ⋄ y is by default interpreted as Diamond[x,y].
Unicode: F76E. Alias: Esc dlsep Esc. Spacing character. Used to invisibly denote a place where automatic line breaking should be allowed.
Unicode: F700. Letter. Used when a j will have an overscript on top. May or may not match the ordinary j from the text font.
Unicode: F751. Letter-like form.
Unicode: 222F. Compound operator. ∯ f s is by default interpreted as ContourIntegral[f,s]. Used to indicate integrals over closed surfaces.
Unicode: 2021. Alias: Esc ddg Esc. Letter-like form.
Unicode: 21D3. Infix arrow operator. x ⇓ y is by default interpreted as DoubleDownArrow[x,y]. Extensible character.