Unicode: 224D. Infix similarity operator. x ≍ y is by default interpreted as CupCap[x,y]. Used in mathematics for various notions of equivalence, usually fairly weak. f ≍ g ...
Unicode: 03C6. Aliases: Esc j Esc, Esc cph Esc, Esc cphi Esc. Greek letter. Commonly used as a variant of ϕ.
Unicode: 00B0. Alias: Esc deg Esc. Letter-like form with built-in value. Interpreted by default as the symbol Degree. 30 ° is interpreted as 30Degree. The symbol ° is ...
Unicode: 2250. Alias: Esc .= Esc. Infix similarity operator. x ≐ y is by default interpreted as DotEqual[x,y]. Used to mean approximately equal, or in some cases, 'image of', ...
Unicode: 21D2. Alias: Esc ␣=> Esc. Infix arrow operator. x ⇒ y is by default interpreted as DoubleRightArrow[x,y]. Used in mathematics to indicate various strong forms of ...
Unicode: 22A8. Infix operator. x ⊨ y is by default interpreted as DoubleRightTee[x,y]. x ⊨ y ⊨ z groups as x ⊨ (y ⊨ z). Used in mathematics to indicate various strong forms ...
Unicode: 2193. Infix arrow operator. x ↓ y is by default interpreted as DownArrow[x,y]. Used to indicate monotonic decrease to a limit. Sometimes used for logical nor. ...
Unicode: 2026. Alias: Esc ... Esc. Letter-like form. Used to indicate omitted elements in a row of a matrix. \[Ellipsis] on its own will act as a symbol.
Unicode: F7D4. Alias: Esc ent Esc. Letter-like form. Representation of the Enter key on a keyboard. Used in describing how to type textual input.
Unicode: F769. Alias: Esc ␣esc Esc. Letter-like form. Representation of the Escape key on a keyboard. Used in describing how to type aliases for special characters in ...